Helpful Tips For Your Ear Impressions Session

You may consider informing your Audiologist of the requirements below, during your visit to a hearing clinic to have your ear impressions done

  1. Our professional in-ear monitors require a full shell earpiece. Full shell impressions must include the full helix, crus of the helix, tragus and antitragus.

    IMPORTANT: The impression must be taken just past the second bend of the ear canal.

  2. The impressions must be made of high viscosity silicone impression material.

  3. We recommend that the canal dams be made of cotton instead of foam; but both materials will be accepted.

  4. The impression must be taken with the your mouth open (Open Jaw Impression). It ensures a more secure fit while the artist is singing, playing an instrument or talking.

    Use a 1 inch bite block during the impression process. This stabilizes the process and is more comfortable for you. It also ensures that there is no jaw movement while the material is curing.

    You may like to know that while some of our new CIEM purchases come with free ear impressions service, you may opt to have your ear impressions done at a trained and certified audiologist.

  5. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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